Featured listing

Upload your listings and increase visibility

Adding a featured listing is the best way to improve its position; regardless of the type, it will be placed above other accommodations. If there are already several featured listings in an area, the order will be adjusted based on other criteria detailed below.

  • The top positions are occupied by Platinum listings
  • followed by Premium listings
  • and then Classic listings with a free trial

Los destacados además de mejorar el posicionamiento, incluyen en la versión web, una etiqueta de “Recomendado”, que funciona como destacado visual.

Climb positions for 14 days

Featured listings are activated for a period of 14 days. When you purchase this service, you can choose the start date, which by default will be from 00:00 the day after the purchase.

Increasing visibility during this period is very useful when offering some type of discount or if you need to, for example, fill gaps between longer stays during the summer season.


Price and contracting

The service fee is €39 + VAT. You can purchase it from the listings management panel; as long as your accommodation is active, verified, and with an updated calendar, you will see the link in the listing information. Through the link, you can complete the purchase.

Contratar destacado desde panel


If you have any questions, contact our sales team.

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Updated on 19 Juli, 2024
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