

Requirements and registration procedure

The Generalitat de Cataluña regulates tourist lets (Viviendas de Uso Turístico) and requires that they appear in the Tourist Register of Catalonia (Registro de Turismo de Cataluña), and that the identification number of the Register is shown in the advertisement for the accommodation. To register your tourist accommodation, you must present an affidavit and ensure that the property complies with a series of requirements:

– it must be rented out as one single unit, not room by room.
– the maximum amount of time the property can be rented to the same tourist is thirty-one consecutive days.
– you must guarantee a support service for the traveller and maintenance of the property.
– pay the tax on stays in tourist establishments (Impuesto sobre las Estancias en Establecimientos Turísticos or IEET).

To ensure that you meet all these requirements and to learn more about the registration process, we recommend that you consult this section which aims to clear up the main doubts and questions about tourist lets.

You can also go to the Dirección General de Turismo.

Tel: 934 849 500

Travelers’ registration

In Catalonia, according to the current legislation, vacation rentals are obliged to register the data of all the travelers staying and communicate this information to the police / Mossos d’esquadra.

If you need to check the registration or registered data, get to know how to register your location or learn how to send them the travelers’ data, we recommend you check the Mossos d’Esquadra website, section “Services and procedures”.

Agreements and organisations

To make it even easier for you, Rentalia has an agreement with Puyuelo Arquitectura, who are experts in managing tourist licences and can help you to register your accommodation. You’ll even get a 10% discount for being a Rentalia customer. If you’re interested, you can send an email to [email protected] or call 932 003 172. Remember that to receive your discount you need to give the reference number of your advertisement on Rentalia.

There are also some organisations of owners and managers of tourist properties which you may be interested in contacting.

Asociación de Apartamentos Turísticos de Barcelona: Apartur
Asociación Turística de Apartamentos Costa Brava – Pirineo de Girona: ATA
Asociación de Apartamentos Turísticos de la Costa Dorada: AT Costa Daurada
Federación Catalana de Apartamentos Turísticos: Federatur

Mandatory registration

To meet the requirements for the current regulation, you have to include the ID number from the Registro de Turismo de Cataluña in your advertisement. We have provided a mandatory field for you to enter your ID number which we will ask you for when you go to publish your accommodation on Rentalia.

* We cannot guarantee that these regulations have not been subject to recent modifications, and as such recommend that you always double check using the links and contact details we provide.

If you have any doubts about the regulations in your area, write to us at [email protected]

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Updated on 26 October, 2023
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